COVID Review, Changes as of Sunday 6th March
Masks will be a personal choice. But we must respect the decision of others. i.e. ask if someone is happy for us to sit next to them. The clergy will continue to wear a mask when distributing Communion.
Service Booklets will return to the original ones at Finningley, and the sung responses will be reintroduced.
The Choir can return, but we will ensure that there is enough space for communion and the choir will not be singing during communion for the time being.
Sharing the Peace will remain as it is for the moment acknowledging that some may be vulnerable or uncomfortable.
Going up for Communion will remain as it is currently. At Finningley the Wardens will invite people to move forward, and the one way system through the vestry will be maintained to avoid congestion in the choir area. Family groups may stand together at the rail.
Receiving the Wine has been missed by many, however, sharing from a single cup is not likely to be ‘desired’ (sorry I couldn’t think of a better word) for a while yet. However, the clergy are able to dip the bread (wafer) in the wine before placing it in your hands. Neil and Carol are both happy to do this, and are currently working on the logistics of this using some small tongs,.
Refreshments at Finningley can start again, subject to volunteers, but milk will be added by the server and we are asking people to respect the space around the hatch and move away quickly. Those in the kitchen will wear masks whilst serving.
More information and the letter from Neil, our Rector, can be read here.